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The U.S. Coast Guard a Japanese fishing boat the coast of Alaska on Thursday. The 60-metre ship was washed by the Japanese tsunami in March 2011. The boat, named the Ryou-Un Maru, was becoming a to other ships Alaska. It had no and contained more than 7,500 litres of diesel . U.S. Coast Guard spokesman David Mosley said it was to sink the ship even though it would a little pollution. It is now almost two km the sea.

There are many more things from Japan towards the U.S. Mr David Mosley said: "The Ryou-Un Maru is one of the first [big] of tsunami debris to make its way the Pacific Ocean." He said many people the news to see what would to it. Mr Mosley said: "I think it [interested] a lot of people because it . It was believed lost…and it spends an year at sea - A summer, a winter and it it all the way the Pacific Ocean."

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