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ESL / EFL Lesson Activity on International Date Line

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The South Pacific island of Samoa will December the 30th this year. The island’s prime minister has to jump across the international date line. It is on the east of this line, which means it is one of the countries in the world to see the sun . The move over the date line it will be the first country to see the sun . At midnight on Thursday December 29, Samoa's calendar will straight to Saturday December 31. Samoans will not Friday, December 30.

The shift is it can have better trading relations with its biggest trading partners, Australia and New Zealand. Currently, Samoa is for business on Fridays, but Australia and New Zealand are closed it’s their Saturday. Similarly, while Samoa on Sunday, it is Monday and business as for Australia and New Zealand. Tourism companies are . They can now offer tourists New Year’s Eves, birthdays and anniversaries – one in Samoa, the the next day American Samoa, which is still east of the date .

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