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ESL / EFL Lesson Activity on Foreign Words

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Good Luck.
Around two- of British people cannot say in a foreign language. This they are among the world’s worst language learners. A from Hotels.com showed that -fifth of Britons were unsure of what ‘bonjour’ . Over 60 per cent could not what the Dutch word ‘goedemorgen’ meant, even though it sounds to ‘good morning’. One of the phrases people in the report was 'Una cerveza por favor' – ‘One beer please’.

Britons have an of being very bad at to speak the local language when they . The findings in this report seem to prove . Only a third said they would try to a few foreign words when they go . Most of those questioned said they expected people to English when they went overseas. All British students have to a foreign language up to the age of 14. However, one in ten young people said they speak one.

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