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ESL / EFL Lesson Activity on Vitamin Pills

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A new report vitamin pills probably don’t us to live longer. Scientists from the University of Minnesota in America say vitamin pills does not prevent serious illnesses. The research team on to say that pills actually increase the death in older women. This could be bad for the multivitamin in the USA. Americans up to $20 billion a year to supplement their . About half of U.S. adults dietary supplements.

The research team’s survey about the of vitamins A, B, C, D and E as well as minerals as calcium and magnesium. Dr Jaakko Mursu said: "There is very evidence showing that common dietary supplements be beneficial in [stopping] major…diseases." He that if you eat healthily, you don’t vitamin pills, saying: "Include as many vegetables and as fruit as you can…they a whole lot of vitamins and ."

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