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ESL / EFL Lesson Activity on Fatty Food Tax

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Denmark has introduced the world's tax on fatty food. Danish shoppers will now have to extra when they buy foods that are in the cholesterol-packed fat. The new tax is at a of $2.87 per kilo of saturated fat. This 250 grams of butter will go in price from $2.78 to $3.25 and the of a packet of potato chips will by 15 cents. Milk, cheese, pizza, meat and oil will also cost . Many tried to buy this food before the prices went up.

The new tax will people eat less fatty food. Around 10 per cent Danes are overweight but the government wants to reduce number. Doctors say four per cent of deaths in Denmark because of saturated fats. Other European countries are at Denmark’s fat tax to see if it . Britain has obesity rates of 20 per cent, the highest in Europe. British doctors taxing food that is high in fat will help the number of people who die from attacks.

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