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It is a well-known that olive oil is good for our health. Many studies people who use a lot of olive oil in their food have heart attacks. A new study finds that oilve oil also the risk of having a stroke. A report France’s University of Bordeaux that using a lot of olive oil in cooking and dressings reduces the risk stroke by an average of 41 per cent. Research leader Dr Cécilia Samieri said doctors recommend olive oil for older people, alongside more fruit and vegetables and salt.

There has been of research into the benefits of olive oil with diabetes, blood pressure, heart disease and obesity. The places in the world where people a lot of olive oil are those where people longer. Olive oil is a part of the Mediterranean diet, which is famous for healthy. Thousands of years people called olive oil “liquid ”. In ancient Greece, people used it medicine and athletes rubbed it all over their bodies because they believed they would faster.

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