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ESL / EFL Lesson Activity on Rising Food Prices

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The of staple food will more than over the next twenty years. This is what the charity Oxfam says in its new ‘Growing a Better Future’. Oxfam warns that action is needed to change world agriculture. It says of millions more could face . The charity says that by 2030, the of key crops will increase 120 to 180 per cent. It adds that to make things , demand for food will rise by 70 per cent over the four decades.

Oxfam says climate is one reason for rising food prices. However, it blames rich countries. The charity criticized the United States and the European Union for producing , which means, “15 per cent of the world’s maize is to make fuel, even at of severe food crisis”. The report gives an of the to humans of biofuels: “The of grain required to the petrol tank of a 4x4 vehicle with biofuel is sufficient to one person for a year.”

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