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ESL / EFL Lesson Activity on Animal Names

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Animal campaigners want the English language to be to animals. Professor Andrew Linzey wrote in the Journal of Animal Ethics that we change the names we to animals. He said the word “pet” insults dogs and cats. He said , they should be called “companion animals”. He also the word “owners” because it describes animals being property and not living creatures. Linzey people will animals better if we use respectful vocabulary.

Professor Linzey outlines more words he says disrespects animals and alternatives. He suggests we the term “wild animal” with “free-living” or “free roaming”. He also us to stop describing rats and as “vermin” or “pests". Linzey says, “our existing language animals is the language of thought…and the past is littered” with insulting names. He wants an to phrases he thinks are , such as “sly as a ”, “eat like a pig” or “drunk as a skunk”.

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