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Egyptian authorities have popular anti-government protestor Wael Ghnonim. He went in Cairo on January the 28th after blogging President Hosni Mubarak’s 30-year . He told reporters that he was not a hero, saying: “"Please don't make me a hero. I'm not a hero. I have been for 12 days.” Ghnonim also had a for bereaved parents: "I want to say to every mother and every father that his or her child, I am sorry, but this is not our …It is the fault of everyone who was on to power greedily and would not let it ."

The Internet has played a part in the unrest in Egypt. Messages of Facebook and Twitter millions of people to take to the streets on January 25th. The government tried to people communicating on the Web by the country’s Internet and mobile phone . It hasn’t worked. Pro-democracy protesters are their sit-in in Cairo's Tahrir Square. The demonstrators are showing no of going away and are actually getting bigger in . They have to talks between the government and opposition .

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