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Chocoholics of the world had start stocking up their favourite chocolate bars, if we are to believe who say the world is facing a chocolate drought. They that the world's supply of sustainable cocoa could out by 2014. Political unrest in the Ivory Coast has these fears. Many cocoa farmers have to neighbouring countries because of fears for their security. This has reduced the number of growers. The West African country grows 40 per cent of the world’s cocoa beans and of another civil war have sent the price of cocoa up. Prices have jumped by 10 per cent in this month and are set to reach their highest levels for 30 years.

Angus Kennedy, a British chocolatier and editor of a trade journal, told Britain’s Daily Mail newspaper: “Chocolate producers are one of the biggest challenges to the industry in recent history. Supplies of sustainable cocoa are to run out, it's that simple." He commented on the political , saying: "The Ivory Coast is a complete area for cocoa traders as it's too dangerous, so training new farmers and trying to cut problems in the is now, mostly impossible.” On reports of price increases, he said: “Prices can't go up as it's reported because there isn't enough certified cocoa left to sell.” He added that: "Things could get nasty now as producers start to fight over the last .”

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