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ESL / EFL Lesson Activity on Iran's Cyber Police

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Iran will soon a new department of its police force – a “cyber army” to the Internet. Police spokesman General Ismail Ahmadi Moghaddam said: "There is no time to ….We will have cyber-police all Iran." Mr Moghaddam said it was necessary to protect Iran attacks from cyberspace. The country was attacked by the Stuxnet computer , that aimed to shut its nuclear energy programme. The country also says it is fighting a " war" against influences from Western .

It is that all countries protect themselves from cyber-attacks. Many defence experts the next major wars will be in cyberspace. One of why countries need to prepare is the attack on Estonia’s internet system in 2007. It took for the country to recover. The secrets to WikiLeaks also shows the need for security. One of the leaked documents was from a U.S. official who said: “Computer would be more effective than a military [and the] effects… be devastating."

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