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ESL / EFL Lesson Activity on Toxic Waste

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Good Luck.
Authorities in Hungary are against the clock to stop an environmental catastrophe getting . A toxic red flood is causing great in the south west of the country. Four people have died and at least six people are missing. The flood when a chemical lake overflowed on Monday. The water contained chemicals which can burn the . There are now the red water will get into the River Danube. A Hungarian management spokesman said a large scale -up is under way.

It there are more and disasters every year. They always so much damage to people and the environment. It is always impossible to the cost of the damage. It is also difficult for people’s to get back to normal. Families lose loved ones, people’s business and houses and the countryside takes decades to . The big problem for the future is that no one to learn lessons. This kind of thing will again. There is no way companies can stop from happening.

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