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Good Luck.
The United Nations (U.N.) a very important on Monday the 11th of January – the International Year of Biodiversity. The U.N. we will all think more about the animals and plants on our . It warns that more and more species every day. This has a bad on everyone’s life. U.N General-Secretary Ban Ki-moon said human is killing species 1,000 times than . He warned we cannot continue like this, saying "business as is not an option".

Let’s hope we can our planet this year. Things don’t look too . Governments made eight years ago to reduce the numbers of lost species but didn’t them. Mr. Ban told all governments to up. He said they must act to save rainforests, reefs and other ecosystems. People must action too. London’s Natural History Museum has also started a . It is asking every to "do one thing for biodiversity" in 2010. Perhaps this is not enough. Maybe one every week for 52 weeks is better.

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