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ESL / EFL Lesson Activity on Chewing Gum

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Good Luck.
A student in Ukraine died after a stick of exploding chewing gum. News reports say police the body of the 25-year-old student in his parents' home. His was missing. Something in the chewing gum exploded and off the lower part of his face. Reporters said: "A loud was heard from the student's room." Doctors checked the gum and found a chemical on it. The student’s friends said he liked gum into citric acid before eating it. The police think he made a and dipped it into the chemical.

This is a very story. First, I can’t why the student liked dipping gum into citric acid. Gum already has a . In fact, it has lots of tastes. Buying lemon, orange or lime- gum is the same as citric acid. I don’t see the to dip it into anything. It is a real . Second, how can a of chewing gum explode? Perhaps it was a special for a secret project. I hope he wasn’t in a lot of after the gum exploded. That would be . I will always think of this man when I eat gum.

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