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ESL / EFL Lesson Activity on Scared Tigers

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Zoo-keepers at a zoo in China are their tigers are too tame. In fact, they are so that they are afraid of their dinner – chickens. Feeding time for the tigers is a scary . The keepers throw in live chickens for the cats to eat, but the tigers away from them. One worker said: “The tigers were so scared that they wouldn't go them. One chicken passed out and the tigers did eventually go it, but then it woke up and made a so the tigers ran away." The tigers have the ability to .

Imagine a tiger being of a chicken. I wonder if the chickens are scared of the tiger. It would be if a chicken found out the tigers were frightened. It could have a lot of fun the tiger. That would make people at the zoo . On the other hand, it might not. Tigers don’t in zoos. It like the zoo has the tigers. It is not that a tiger should be scared of a chicken. The zoo should take the tigers back to the . But they should go to a jungle there are no chickens.

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