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ESL / EFL Lesson Activity on California TVs

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The American state of California is to help the environment. It is getting on people with old televisions. Very soon, California residents will get a if they have a TV that uses too much . Televisions use up 10% of home energy bills in California. Officials believe Californians will more than $8billion in energy bills in ten years. Over the next years, only energy-efficient TV sets will be on . Energy commissioner Julia Levin said: "It will save money, it will help public health, and it will innovation."

It’s great that California is this. Many people don’t understand how energy TVs use. The big problem is people don’t to watch TV. They leave it on and don’t at it. A bigger problem is the number of TVs people have. Every of the family has a television. There’s one in bedroom, the living room and even the . This is totally unnecessary. I think televisions are a of time, a waste of energy and a waste of money. Let’s look at TV , save energy and do more useful .

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