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Microsoft has finally its new Operating System. The official of the OS, called Windows 7, was on Thursday, October 22. The new product Windows Vista, which in January 2007. Microsoft said Windows 7 will be full of amazing . The company says it is very user . It also has many new tools, including support for screens. A company spokesman also said Windows 7 on PCs, laptops, and mobile . The version of Windows 7 Professional is $299. The upgrade from Vista or XP is $119.

Microsoft is hoping Windows 7 will be a big . Sales of its software are going . They are 13 per cent lower than this last year. The company hopes its latest product will be of problems. When it launched Vista, there were many security , and users complained it didn’t work . Windows 7 also has competition from Apple’s OS, called Snow Leopard. Many people say the Microsoft product a lot from Apple. If I wanted to a new computer, I’d have something called Snow Leopard than seven!

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