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Good Luck.
Here is some very news. A 16-year-old Indian boy got onto the news of the BBC website. This happened because he is the head teacher of his school in India. Babar Ali is the of a school in West Bengal that has over 800 students. All of the children in his are very poor. Without Babar Ali, they would never have any . Babar told the BBC: "In the I was just play-acting, teaching my friends. But then I - these children will never learn to read and write if they don't have lessons."
Babar is the world’s youngest head teacher. He is a all round the teaching world. Many teachers wrote on the BBC’s blog. They all said they thought Babar was . Many said his story made them want to be a better teacher. Babar will the lives of hundreds of children. He is a light in education. There are so many students around the world who don’t want to go to school. They are so they have a school, but they in class and say they don’t want to study. We must all Babar the best of luck.

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