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ESL / EFL Lesson Activity on Facebook Lite

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Facebook has introduced a new of its social networking site. It’s called Facebook Lite. It is and thinner than the older Facebook. This is good news for people with slow Internet . Furthermore, Lite does not have hundreds of like the older Facebook has, so it is easier to use. Industry say Facebook introduced Lite to with Twitter. Users can share posts in time – the same as Twitter. Unfortunately, for the moment, it is only to people in the USA and India.

I think this new Facebook site is a great idea. I got a little with the old site. There were too many games and applications on it. This meant sometimes things took to load. I agree with what reporters are about Facebook Lite. It is beginning to look like Twitter. I think I’ll to using Lite. It’s simple and I like simple. PC World magazine says it’s thin, and that “thin ”. I agree. I wonder why companies to use the new spelling ‘lite’ instead of the usual spelling ‘light’. Maybe the older spelling will .

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