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ESL / EFL Lesson Activity on Beer

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German beer are not drinking so much beer these days. It seems their love with beer is over. Germany has released the figures on alcohol drinking. Beer sales are at their lowest levels since began. They are 4.5% lower than this last year. This is serious news because Germans are the world’s third-biggest beer drinkers, the Irish and Czechs. Beer sales are lower because of the smoking ban in pubs and restaurants. Higher prices and the cold weather have also turned people from beer.

I don’t understand you can have a love affair with beer. It’s just a drink. I don’t think it’s a very drink. It gives a lot of people a headache and makes some people . I also read that beer is bad for your . I know if you drink too much beer, you get a big . That can’t be good for you. People should stop drinking so much beer. They can still have a time if they drink other drinks. Hot chocolate or strawberry milkshake are yummy. They are also cheaper and than beer and wine.

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