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ESL / EFL Lesson Activity- Being Nice

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A new study that being nice may be in our . The study is from the University of Buffalo in the USA. Researchers say they think they have the genes for the “love hormone” oxytocin. The scientists people who have more oxytocin are nicer and generous. Head researcher Dr Michel Poulin said oxytocin can you to stop thinking that the world is a bad . He the chemical can also make you want to other people.

The research said the “love gene” on its does not make someone nice. They that a nice family and friends are also . Dr Poulin wrote: "We aren't we've found the niceness gene, but we have found a gene that [helps].” He added: "So if one of your neighbors a really generous, …kind of person, while another seems more , tight-fisted and not as interested in [helping others], their DNA may help explain why of them is nicer than the other."

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