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A new says today’s teenagers are more than they were 20 years ago. The report’s is Dr Sara Konrath of the University of Michigan Institute for Social Research. She found that today’s “Generation Me” less about other people than they did two ago. Dr Konrath looked at of 14,000 university students over a thirty year . Her colleague, Edward O’Brien, said: "College students today may be so busy about themselves and their own that they don't have time to [thinking about] others."

Dr Konrath video games and the Internet are the biggest for this increased selfishness. "This generation…grew up with video games [and] violent media numbs people to the of others," she said. She found the big started from the year 2000, which is when violent video games became popular. Another reason was online networks, which reduce face-to-face . Also to was an obsession with celebrities. This encouraged youngsters to their weaknesses and to try and be better than .

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