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Latest crime figures in Britain show shoplifting 30 per cent in the past year. Researchers believe this large is because of Britain’s economic recession. Shop owners believe this is much higher. Stephen Robertson, of a stores association, said: “A of retailers…don't report crime because they have no in the police, and two- of shop thefts go unreported.” Professor Martin Gill, a security , said: “What drives people to keep shoplifting is the that it's easy and they can get with it.”

Shoplifting is a big in many countries around the world. It is very to stop. Stealing from stores is perhaps one of the crimes to commit. Many shoplifters never get . There are many reasons why shoplifting is increasing in Britain. Rising unemployment and a on credit are two causes. Shoplifting everyone. We all have to pay higher prices because stores on the costs of stolen . We also spend longer at checkouts when staff remove security . The saddest cost is when shoplifters sales staff.

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